La Spezia

Azimut Yatch lifted al La Spezia Container Terminal
3 May 2021

LSCT safely lifts 75ton yacht from water to container ship

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Walter Cardaci - General Manager LSCT
Business news
1 March 2021

A new General Manager for LSCT

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La Spezia Container Terminal
Business news
3 December 2020


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27 July 2020

Mega yacht Black Jack 100 was shipped to the La Spezia Container Terminal

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LSCT Control room
Business news
14 July 2020

LSCT operational offices upgrade

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Contship Flag
Business news
15 May 2020

La Spezia Container Terminal Board of Directors appoints Alfredo Scalisi as new Managing Director

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ADSP Mar Ligure Orientale
Business news
25 March 2020

Port of La Spezia: a systemic offer of integrated storage and logistics solutions

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La Spezia Container Terminal
16 December 2019

LSCT: Extraordinary drill - managing emergencies in port

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LSCT Press Conference
Business news
28 November 2019

New acoustic signaling devices for LSCT yard vehicles and cranes

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Presentation of new LSCT Defibrillators
14 November 2019

Presentation of the "LSCT cardio protect" areas: a new welfare and prevention culture

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Contship Asia Road Show 2019
Business news
24 October 2019

Shippers in Seoul and Shanghai showing increased interest in Southern Gateway Alternative

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Business news
5 September 2019

La Spezia Port Authority and Contship Italia Group to showcase its intermodal connectivity advantages to US customers

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Contship Flag
Business news
15 July 2019

INSIDE THE INDUSTRY: Digitalisation drives La Spezia’s operations forward

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Business news
30 May 2019

La Spezia: extension of Garibaldi pier kicks off

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Hapag lloyd Vienna Express at La Spezia Container Terminal
Valued customers
28 May 2019

La Spezia Container Terminal greets the Vienna Express

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Kokura at La Spezia Container Terminal
Valued customers
16 May 2019

2M has a maiden call at La Spezia Container Terminal

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13 May 2019


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Yang Ming Wellspring at La Spezia Container Terminal
Valued customers
10 May 2019

LSCT welcomes the YM Wellspring

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MSC Trieste berthed at Contship La Spezia Container Terminal
Valued customers
3 May 2019

Vertical integration and added value: Contship's intermodal services for shipping companies

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La Spezia Container Terminal Yard
Business news
28 November 2018

New record for rail operations in La Spezia

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Zuhai delegation visits Contship La Spezia Container Terminal
Business news
29 October 2018

From Zhuhai to La Spezia: Chinese delegation visits LSCT

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Business news
11 October 2018

Contship Italia, with La Spezia Container Terminal, back in Asia on fourth Road Show

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Lindt and Lamprecht visit Contship La Spezia Container Terminal
Business news
28 September 2018

Lamprecht and Lindt & Sprüngli visit the Contship gateway terminal in La Spezia

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Chinese Journalists visiting La Spezia Container Terminal
27 August 2018

La Spezia Container Terminal welcomes a delegation of Chinese Journalists travelling on board of Cosco Netherlands containership

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La Spezia Container Terminal
Business news
25 May 2018

Antonio Davide Testi presents LSCT’s actions for a sustainable and responsible growth

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Green Logistics Expo Padua 2018
Business news
12 March 2018

March 7-9: Contship at Green Logistics Expo - Padova

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Milano Bridge at La Spezia Container Terminal
Valued customers
9 March 2018

Milano chiama Spezia: maiden call della nave Milano Bridge al La Spezia Container Terminal

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Treno Oceanogate Italia
Business news
19 February 2018

Nessun danno in seguito allo svio di un locomotore presso la Stazione Marittima di La Spezia

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Contship at Swiss Shipper's Council
Business news
7 February 2018

Southern Gateway links Switzerland

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Business news
22 January 2018

Focus sicurezza: le nuove telecamere smart installate e pronte all’uso a la Spezia

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Contship Italia Delegation in Asia
Business news
6 November 2017

Contship chiude a Taipei il Road Show 2017 in Asia

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Business news
12 October 2017

Il Terminal Container Contship di La Spezia si prepara per il tour 2017 dei principali hub asiatici

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Business news
11 October 2017

Il terminal Contship di La Spezia raggiunge il traguardo del milionesimo container

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A ship in La Spezia Container Terminal
Valued customers
18 July 2017

Nuove ‘meraviglie’ al La Spezia Container Terminal, con lo scalo della nave Wondrous

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Contship LSCT Best Container Terminal in Europe - AFLAS 2017
Business news
3 July 2017

Contship’s flagship container terminal in La Spezia wins Europe’s Best Container Terminal Award at AFLAS 2017

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Roberto Scotto, Direttore Customer Service LSCT, offre una placca commemorativa al Capitano Budda Sankara Rao, insieme a Marcello Di Francesco, Agente spezzino e a Carlo Gariazzo di K-Line Italia
Valued customers
30 May 2017

Arriva a LSCT la Munchen Bridge, un “ponte” verso l’Asia

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Yang Ming Wish at LSCT
Valued customers
30 May 2017

Maiden Call per la nave Wish al La Spezia Container Terminal

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Business news
25 May 2017

La Spezia Container Terminal (LSCT) has been shortlisted to win the prestigious AFLAS award, as best container terminal in Europe!

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Contship Flag
15 May 2017

Throughput record for Contship La Spezia

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UASC Bubiyan Maiden Call at LSCT
Valued customers
14 May 2017

La Spezia saluta l’ingresso al terminal LSCT della nave UASC Bubiyan

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Valued customers
12 May 2017

THE Alliance MD2 service makes its inaugural call at La Spezia Container Terminal

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A ship
Valued customers
10 May 2017

New Ocean Alliance inaugural call at La Spezia Container Terminal

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Valued customers
17 April 2017

Another maiden-call in La Spezia by THE Alliance

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Valued customers
9 April 2017

Maiden call della nave Brevik-Bridge a La Spezia, per THE Alliance

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6 April 2017

I ragazzi dell’IFTS di Ravenna in visita didattica al La Spezia Container Terminal

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Franco Cupolo - LSCT
Business news
18 March 2017

LSCT - Formazione team istruttori

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Business news
10 March 2017

Premi AFLAS 2017 – nomination per LSCT

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LSCT - Year of the Rooster
Business news
7 February 2017

Buone performance per il La Spezia Container Terminal nell’anno del Gallo!

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HMM Pride Captain at LSCT
Valued customers
29 November 2016

La Spezia Container Terminal accoglie con orgoglio la nave Pride

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Valued customers
24 November 2016

La nave Linah stabilisce un nuovo record per il 2016 al La Spezia Container Terminal

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OOCL France
Valued customers
23 November 2016

Maiden call della OOCL France al La Spezia Container Terminal

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APL Paris at LSCT
Valued customers
11 November 2016

La capitale francese arriva al La Spezia Container Terminal

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CS Flag
Business news
3 November 2016

Comunicato Stampa – Gruppo Contship Italia

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Al Dhail LSCT
Valued customers
2 November 2016

Al Dhail secondo nuovo record a La Spezia per il 2016

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Valued customers
31 October 2016

Il Sistema La Spezia continua ad accogliere gli scali inaugurali della compagnia di navigazione globale coreana

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Hyundai Hope
Valued customers
17 October 2016

Another Hyundai Merchant Marine maiden call at La Spezia Container Terminal

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YM Window
Valued customers
17 October 2016

Yang Ming Line approfitta di una “finestra” di opportunità con lo scalo della YM Window presso LSCT

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Valued customers
10 October 2016

Un caloroso benvenuto al ritorno della OOCL da parte del Sistema La Spezia!

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Evergreen Vantage at LSCT
Valued customers
6 October 2016

Evergreen porta la nave Vantage a La Spezia per beneficiare della connettività di LSCT

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TPM Asia
Business news
5 October 2016

Pronti per la conferenza TPM Asia a Shenzhen dal 11 al 13 ottobre 2016

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Valued customers
3 October 2016

Hyundai giant drives record books La Spezia Container Terminal

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Yang Ming at LSCT
Valued customers
3 October 2016

Yang Ming Line: un “Vincitore” inatteso al La Spezia Container Terminal

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Laura Maersk
Business news
27 July 2016

Sempre pronto a rispondere alle esigenze dei clienti - LSCT registra performance da record nel 2016

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Stuttgart workshop
Business news
8 July 2016

Contship presenta il proprio modello di servizi integrati a Stoccarda

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24 June 2016

Delegazione SKF in visita a LSCT: formazione VGM e presentazione delle novità Porto Lab

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San Felix Crest
Valued customers
23 June 2016

Continua la stagione delle Maiden Call con nuovi upgrade della capacità delle navi in servizio

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New Al Jasrah recently made her debut at LSCT
Valued customers
12 June 2016

La famiglia degli scali inaugurali presso LSCT continua a crescere

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Baden-Württemberg inland ports delegation
Business news
15 May 2016

Il Sistema Contship ospita la delegazione degli interporti del Baden-Württemberg

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ULCC Unayzah maiden call at La Spezia
Valued customers
14 May 2016

Maiden call a la Spezia per la nave ULCC Unayzah

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Cosco Hope
Valued customers
11 May 2016

Continuano i nuovi arrivi a La Spezia con la Cosco Hope

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Business news
9 May 2016

La Spezia: un gateway ancora più veloce!

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MSC Romanos at LSCT
Valued customers
7 May 2016

La MSC Romanos debutta a La Spezia

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Business news
4 May 2016

Nuovo road show per La Spezia Container Terminal con eventi presso alcuni dei maggiori hub logistici in Asia

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Al Murabba @ LSCT
Valued customers
17 April 2016

Doppia maiden call per LSCT il 16 e il 17 Aprile

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MSC Seattle crest gift LSCT
Valued customers
30 March 2016

Continuano le maiden call a La Spezia con la MSC Seattle

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CMA CGM Rabelais Captain at LSCT
Valued customers
27 March 2016

LSCT: Maiden Call per la nave CMA CGM Rabelais

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LSCT Salvadori Exibit 2016
26 March 2016

LSCT: il porto e la città in mostra con le foto di Igo Salvadori

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UASC Linah crest
Valued customers
13 March 2016

Another 15,000 TEUs ship maiden for the La Spezia System: the new A-15 containership m/v “Linah”

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Valued customers
12 March 2016

Terminal Marittimi del Gruppo Contship – Le migliori soluzioni al posto giusto

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Conti Lyon
Valued customers
29 February 2016

Nuovo ‘doppio scalo nel giorno "extra" del 2016

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Maersk Kolkata at LSCT
Valued customers
14 February 2016

Viaggio inaugurale della Maersk Kolkata a La Spezia!

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Contship with WiderMoS
Business news
11 February 2016

Contship con WiderMoS per collegare le Autostrade del Mare e la rete di corridoi strategici TEN-T

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Box China at LSCT
Valued customers
7 February 2016

Doppia maiden call per la nave Box China presso I terminal Contship Italia

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Fruit Logistica Berlin 2016
Business news
3 February 2016

La Commercial Service Unit contship a Fruit Logistica - Berlino

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Melzo-Padua Hannibal
Business news
2 February 2016

Hannibal aumenta la frequenza dei collegamenti sul servizio ferroviario Melzo-Padova

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LSCT multipurpose
Business news
29 January 2016

La diversità del Sistema La Spezia – non solo container

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Sealand New York Crest LSCT
Valued customers
26 January 2016

La Spezia maiden call - Sealand New York

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Valued customers
22 January 2016

La Spezia saluta lo scalo inaugurale della ULCC MSC Cristina

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Jebel Ali - Crest - LSCT
Valued customers
16 January 2016

La Spezia accoglie il primo scalo della nave Jebel Ali

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Malik-Al-Ashtar at LSCT
Valued customers
11 January 2016

La Spezia celebra la maiden call della nave UASC Malik Al-Ashtar

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Northern Monument
Valued customers
11 January 2016

Un nuovo viaggio inaugurale della Maersk Line a Medcenter apre la strada ad un doppia celebrazione per i terminal Contship

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Contship - The Spice 2.0
Business news
28 December 2015

La Spezia Homeport – Continua la campagna ‘The Spice’

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Crest TCR Elbdeich
Valued customers
7 December 2015

Con il Gruppo Contship Italia Group su entrambe le coste!

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Maiden Calls at LSCT and MCT
Valued customers
6 December 2015

Continuano gli scali inaugurali

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Tayma at LSCT
Valued customers
29 November 2015

A La Spezia il primo scalo della Tayma, una nave da 13.300 TEU

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Valued customers
17 November 2015

Medcenter da il via alle attività di questa settimana

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Crest at LSCT
Valued customers
13 November 2015

La Spezia accoglie nuovi arrivi

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Business news
5 November 2015

LSCT reaches 1 million TEU milestone

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Crest Box Hong Kong at LSCT
Valued customers
4 November 2015

LSCT: una maiden call…milionaria!

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UASC delegation
Valued customers
1 November 2015

LSCT da il benvenuto alla visita della United Arab Shipping Company (S.A.G)

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Green Pepper
1 November 2015

Green Pepper: un vecchio veliero per un nuovo inizio

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Maersk Kobe - Crest delivery at LSCT
Valued customers
28 October 2015

Arriva l’autunno, continuano le maiden call presso LSCT

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New LSCT Truck Gate Out
Business news
26 October 2015

Nuovo gate di uscita per il Sistema La Spezia

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Badge Contship Italia Group in Asia - 2015
Business news
20 October 2015

Contship da il via al road show 2015 in Asia

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Cranes Progress Report LSCT
Business news
20 October 2015

LSCT: report progressi ammodernamento gru - Ottobre 2015

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DS Republic Crest
Valued customers
8 October 2015

Mentre l’estate saluta l’arrivo dell’autunno, a La Spezia continuano i viaggi inaugurali

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Hanjin Bosal crest LSCT
Valued customers
6 October 2015

La Spezia celebra l'ultima maiden call accogliendo presso LSCT la ULCC Hanjin Bosal - Felice diciottesimo!

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MSC Ajaccio
Valued customers
2 October 2015

Maiden call ad LSCT per la MSC Ajaccio

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CSCL Jupiter at LSCT
Valued customers
20 September 2015

Nuove gru, nuovi scali di navi da 14.000 TEU a La Spezia, con l’arrivo della CSCL Jupiter sul servizio AMX1 / AMC1

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New 23 rows STS cranes at LSCT
Business news
17 September 2015

Le nuove gru migliorano la performance di LSCT

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La Spezia "Homeport" stand
Business news
9 September 2015

La Spezia ”homeport” al Supply Chain Asia Forum (SCAF) di Singapore

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Swiss Media delegation at RHM
7 September 2015

Delegazione di giornalisti Svizzeri visita il “Southern Gateway” di Contship

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CSCL Venus at LSCT
Valued customers
29 August 2015

La delegazione della China Shipping Italy Agency visita La Spezia per celebrare una nuova “pietra miliare”

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Portolab - Festa della Marineria - La Spezia 2015
28 August 2015

Porto Lab: LSCT apre le porte in occasione della Festa della Marineria

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UASC Umm Salal at LSCT
Valued customers
9 August 2015

Una nuova nave UASC fa il suo debutto al La Spezia Container Terminal – un triplice record

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Valued customers
4 August 2015

La Spezia Container Terminal da il benvenuto alla delegazione Yang Ming

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LSCT new 23 rows STS cranes
Business news
3 August 2015

La Spezia primo porto regionale italiano ad utilizzare gru STS da 23 file

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Business news
21 July 2015

La Spezia System consolida l'efficienza dei flussi in import

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Valued customers
16 July 2015

La Spezia da il benvenuto al 'Grande Magazzino'

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Hannibal rail sevice map
Business news
10 July 2015

Hannibal consolida la propria RAILability

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Collage Maiden Calls LSCT
Valued customers
6 July 2015

Una settimana intensa per le maiden call a LSCT

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Cargo Train on Fast Corridor
Business news
1 July 2015

RHM primo hub con servizio 'fast corridor' ferroviario

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26 June 2015

LSCT: report progressi ammodernamento gru - Giugno 2015

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LSCT at Containerisation International Awards 2015
19 June 2015

LSCT riceve una menzione speciale per il suo impegno green

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SKF delegation at LSCT
Business news
13 June 2015

Delegazione SKF in visita a LSCT

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Rapallo crest gift
Valued customers
12 June 2015

La MSC Rapallo fa scalo a LSCT

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LSCT ship and quay aerial
Business news
5 May 2015

Nuovo record mensile per il Sistema La Spezia!

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Business news
24 March 2015

LSCT: le nuove gru da 23 file sono arrivate a La Spezia!

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Business news
5 March 2015

Il Sistema La Spezia decolla!

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Business news
4 March 2015

Ammodernamento Gru LSCT - Report Progressi Marzo 2015

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Valued customers
22 February 2015

La Spezia System sviluppa i collegamenti con il Nord Africa

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Valued customers
16 February 2015

Maiden Calls - Una famiglia sempre piu grande

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Business news
7 January 2015

LSCT: inizio positivo per il 2015!

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