19 June 2015

LSCT riceve una menzione speciale per il suo impegno green

Contship Group regional gateway terminal has won industry recognition for its positive contribution to the environment.


Attending the Containerisation International Awards ceremony in London, June 18th, LSCT submission in the category of Best Environmental Campaign was considered to be in the upper rankings earning a “high commendation” by the panel of judges.

Present at the awards lunch, attended by many in the industry, LSCT hosted a table, inviting a number of customers to share the occasion. Michaele Giromini, Manading Director, enthuses: “It has been a pleasure to have been in London. I believe the recognition deservedly should be shared with the LSCT team, working together: the nomination recognize the strong commitment to initiatives in ensuring the economic and ecological future of a town in being a locality for generations to come. LSCT business plan for development has, since a number of years, incorporated ”environmental”  initiatives and processes both “hard and soft” involving rail, shore side power supply, noise reduction, LNG developments, plus the use of a specifically designed software tool “integrated Environmental Decision Support System (iEDSS) which evaluates three elements impacting on the environment (noise pollutants, air pollutants and carbon footprint) assessing in advance their combined impact (by means of receptors located in the area adjacent to the terminal). If finally we did not actually achieve the top award in the category, clearly our on-going efforts have been recognized. I expect LSCT congratulations to the eventual winner “CMA CGM Group” for whom we have the privilege to serve as a customer at the terminal.


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