9 May 2016

La Spezia: un gateway ancora più veloce!

The on-time arrival of the Hanjin Buddha on May 8th marks the maiden voyage of the CKYHE Alliance string Hanjin Pacific Med Service (HPM / MD3), comprising of 15 x 10,000 ships now completely deployed by long term customer, Hanjin Shipping.


With calls scheduled to arrive every Sunday in La Spezia, this latest deployment further improves existing transit times from key Asian ports serving markets in North Italy and South Europe.

The La Spezia System is already recognised by the industry as providing the best average transit times on the key Shanghai – Italy routing, as confirmed in their whitepaper “A ‘best-route’ market study for containerised imports to South Germany, Drewry, March 2016”.

Henceforward, connections from Shanghai, where the largest single share of Asia volumes is loaded from (22 per cent), are now improved by a further two days, giving a port to port transit time of just 25 days, currently the best in class on this important port-pair segment.

Michael Cashman, the Group’s Service Unit Commercial Director enthuses: “Cargo routing using the La Spezia System continues to benefit from best in class transit times provided by our valued global shipping line customers. The four weekly Asia – La Spezia calls provide a variety of options to supply chains. Once discharged, imports are immediately processed for timely inland connections, with now more than ten per cent moving within one day of ship’s arrival. Now with even faster transits from Shanghai, supply chains are assured of the optimum and cost effective routing using the La Spezia System”.

The ship sailed from LSCT on May 9th, on time. 


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