Diario di Contship tredicesima edizione
28 May 2018

Thirteenth Edition of Contship Homework Diary

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Contship Italia Sustainability Report Best Practices
30 April 2018

Best Practices: Contship Italia Group keeps moving towards a socially and environmentally sustainable future

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23 March 2018

Contship Cagliari at CagliariPort2020

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Santa Regula
Business news
17 January 2018

Cagliari International Container Terminal (CICT) continues to provide value to its customer networks

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Cagliari International Container Terminal
Valued customers
4 August 2017

New visitor to Porto Industriale Cagliari SpA – CICT

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Liverpool Express
Valued customers
1 August 2017

Cagliari welcomed the Liverpool Express to its CICT facility

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Valued customers
19 July 2017

CICT saluta la CPO Baltimore, prima nave in assoluto della COSCO Shipping a scalare Cagliari

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Valued customers
2 July 2017

Sardinia and the East Mediterranean stay connected as new NET / EMX service makes its debut at CICT

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Maiden Calls at CICT
Valued customers
17 May 2017

Nuovi arrivi al CICT!

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Hapag Lloyd Tucapel at CICT Cagliari
Valued customers
29 March 2017

It's Chile in Sardinian water!

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Tolten at CICT
Valued customers
22 March 2017

CICT meets Tolten

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CICT - Panasonic Toughpad
Business news
13 March 2017

Resistenti, affidabili e connessi: l’esperienza CICT con I tablet Panasonic Toughpad FZ-M1

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Dallas Express at CICT
Valued customers
11 March 2017

Un nuovo cowboy in città – la Dallas Express in buone mani al CICT

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Porto Lab first visit 2017
8 March 2017

Ricomincia Porto Lab con le prime visite del 2017 a Cagliari e a Ravenna

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Liverpool Express
Valued customers
31 January 2017

CICT da il benvenuto allo scalo inaugurale della Liverpool Express

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Kobe Express
Valued customers
19 January 2017

CICT da il benvenuto al primo scalo inaugurale del 2017!

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CICT charity
29 December 2016

Un regalo speciale dal CICT… un sorriso per i bimbi!

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CS WINdow Decembre 2016
Business news
6 December 2016

CS WINdow - Dicembre 2016

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Valued customers
24 November 2016

Cresce il numero di scali inaugurali al CICT con l’arrivo della Cap Jervis e della Al Safat

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CICT spreader
Business news
29 September 2016

Nuovo spreader a CICT: riduzione dei tempi di fermo macchina e operatori portuali sempre più specializzati

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Valued customers
7 September 2016

La CMA CGM fa il suo ingresso a Cagliari – un nuovo atto per l’opera del CICT!

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Valued customers
16 August 2016

Una coincidenza curiosa per l’ultima maiden call al CICT

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CICT Quay - Hapag Lloyd
Valued customers
11 August 2016

Nuovo arrivo a cagliari per la Hapag Lloyd con la nave E.R. Tianping

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Valued customers
22 July 2016

L’estate porta al CICT nuovi aggiornamenti dei servizi

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Aigos Minas at CICT
Valued customers
14 July 2016

Nuovo arrivo al CICT sul servizio Asia Suez Express con la nave Agios Minas

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Valued customers
6 July 2016

La m/n Performance fa il suo scalo inaugurale al CICT

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VGM weekend
Business news
5 July 2016

Contship: Il vostro Partner di Prima Scelta in Italia – La Vostra anima VGM, il vostro Team VGM, la vostra Bandiera VGM

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Business news
1 July 2016

Porto Industriale Cagliari – conformità dal primo di luglio per dare supporto all’Export sardo

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Porto Lab - Special Edition - Bimbi in Ufficio
8 June 2016

Contship apre le porte dei terminal ai partner del progetto Porto Lab

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Seago Meta at CICT Cagliari
Valued customers
8 June 2016

Maiden Call al CICT – Anche un nuovo cliente tra i “debuttanti”

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m/v Arauco maiden call in Cagliari
Valued customers
25 May 2016

Continuano a crescere i servizi disponibili a Cagliari

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Livorno Express at CICT
Valued customers
14 May 2016

Cresce il numero di scali inaugurali a Cagliari

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San Felipe Maiden Call CICT
Valued customers
12 May 2016

La nave San Felipe debutta a Cagliari

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CICT at Med Ports 2016
Business news
29 April 2016

Alla 4 edizione della fiera Med Ports Cagliari presenta l’offerta dedicata alle supply chain del Mediterraneo

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Valued customers
27 April 2016

Cagliari saluta lo scalo inaugurale della CSAV Toconao

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Crest Bremen Express CICT
Valued customers
22 April 2016

Una settimana ricca di maiden call per il CICT

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CICT @ Med Ports 2016
Business news
20 April 2016

CICT e l’Autorità Portuale di Cagliari alla quarta edizione della fiera Med Ports Exibition and Conference a Tangeri

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Valued customers
4 April 2016

I network globali delle compagnie clienti puntano sul CICT per mantenere alta l’efficienza: continuano le operazioni di Phase in/out

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2 April 2016

Continua anche nel 2016 l’impegno CICT per la missione Caritas di Dolores (Guatemala)

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CICT with Panasonic
Business news
31 March 2016

CICT: La tecnologia diventa “Rugged”

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Business news
21 March 2016

Un servizio di eccellenza grazie al Team CICT

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CICT new Border Inspection Post
Business news
17 March 2016

Buone notizie per le supply chain sarde con l’apertura del nuovo Posto di Ispezione Frontaliera

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Valued customers
15 February 2016

CICT: Prima maden call del 2016 con la OOCL Asia

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CICT new LED lights
Business news
10 February 2016

CICT: nuove luci per un futuro luminoso! Continua l’impegno Contship per soluzioni “EEE”

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New Ferrari Reach Stackers at CICT
Business news
1 February 2016

Two brand new Reach Stackers delivered to Rail Hub Milano's Yard

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Training at CICT
5 January 2016

CICT collabora con gli istituti nautici della regione alla formazione dei giovani sardi

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24 December 2015

A Natale CICT regala un sorriso

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Double maiden call at CICT
Valued customers
23 December 2015

Doppia maiden call per il servizio AZX presso il Cagliari International Container Terminal

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Merry Christmas
21 December 2015

Contship Team - Your Team, One Soul, One Flag!

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Crest CICT
Valued customers
24 November 2015

CICT continua a lavorare per supportare I network dei propri clienti: continuano le Maiden Call e le operazioni di phase in-out

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20 November 2015

Discover your CICT team

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m/v Satie at CICT
Valued customers
20 November 2015

CICT da il benvenuto alla nave Satie, per il suo primo scalo a Cagliari

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Maiden Call APL Oregon
Valued customers
10 November 2015

Un inizio di settimana intenso al CICT

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Valued customers
6 October 2015

OOCL Luxemburg: ancora una maiden call di una nave da 8.000 TEU presso CICT

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Urban Trail Race in Cagliari
5 October 2015

CICT partecipa alla terza edizione della Cagliari Urban Trail Race

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CICT transhipment
Business news
2 October 2015

CICT conferma la propria abilità nel fornire livelli di servizio da mega-hub

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OOCL Washington at CICT
Valued customers
23 September 2015

CICT: la nave OOCL Washington da 8.000 TEU scala l’hub sardo per il servizio AZX

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Crest delivery OOCL Hamburg at CICT
Valued customers
8 September 2015

CICT accoglie la maiden call della seconda nave OOCL da 8.000 TEU sul servizio AZX

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Crest Frisia Helsinki at CICT
Valued customers
4 September 2015

CICT da il benvenuto a una nuova maiden call del servizio intra-Mediterraneo LEX

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Crest OOCL Southampton at CICT
Valued customers
2 September 2015

La nave OOCL Southampton accolta al CICT per il suo primo scalo sul servizio AZX

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EMES BC Hamburg at CICT
Valued customers
27 August 2015

CICT da il benvenuto alla maiden call della nave BC Hamburg

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M/V Colombo Express berthed at CICT
Valued customers
26 August 2015

CICT continua a registrare nuovi aumenti di capacità sul servizio AZX

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Valued customers
21 August 2015

Frisia e Sardegna: regioni lontane, ma con storia e tradizioni simili

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Valued customers
7 August 2015

Primo scalo presso CICT per la nave Malleco

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Just in time transhipment connections at CICT
Business news
6 August 2015

CICT: le connessioni "Just in Time" a supporto delle operazioni di phase in/phase out

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Crest Nagoya CICT
Valued customers
6 August 2015

CICT: seconda maiden call per le navi del servizio AZX

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Valued customers
1 August 2015

CICT: aumento di capacità delle navi sul servizio AZX

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Business news
20 July 2015

CICT: nuovo telaio fuori sagoma BROMMA

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Valued customers
14 July 2015

CICT davvero globale: dal Mediterraneo a Londra ai Caraibi!

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CICT quay road markings
Business news
13 July 2015

CICT: piu sicurezza, piu performance

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Valued customers
6 July 2015

Una nuova staffetta per CICT

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Crest CICT Stadt Dresden
Valued customers
23 June 2015

CICT: Nuove operazioni di phase in/out

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Chatterbox school visits CICT
2 June 2015

Porto Lab: la Chatterbox English School visita il CICT

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Bimbi in Ufficio 2015
2 June 2015

CICT - Un giorno in ufficio con mamma e papà

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Ningbo Express Crest gift
Valued customers
1 June 2015

CICT: primo scalo per la Ningbo Express

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London Express Crest delivery
Valued customers
27 May 2015

CICT saluta il primo scalo della London Express

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CICT Cagliari blue quay cranes container terminal
Valued customers
25 May 2015

Cagliari continues to respond to demand surges

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Business news
29 April 2015

Il CICT General Cargo Team pronto per le prossime sfide

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23 March 2015

CICT: nuovi record per il 2015

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23 February 2015

CICT partecipa al workshop delle imprese Italo-Arabe

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Valued customers
15 February 2015

CICT: phase in sul servizio MGX per la Stuttgart Express

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