19 July 2017

CICT saluta la CPO Baltimore, prima nave in assoluto della COSCO Shipping a scalare Cagliari

The arrival of 4,255 TEU m/v CPO Baltimore on Saturday July 15th marked a special occasion for Cagliari International Container Terminal, with the Sardinian hub welcoming the arrival of the first ever ship operated by Chinese COSCO Shipping Line.


M/v CPO Baltimore is deployed in the jointly run NET/EMX, the latter only recently adding Cagliari to its port rotation, and now enabling CICT to have further connections with the East Med, and North European ports.

The crew, under the orders of Captain Marek Stanislaw Strzelka, was presented with the traditional crest by CICT planner Maurizio Defrassu, pictured together with Chief Officer Lukasz Michalski.

M/v Baltimore sailed from Cagliari the same day of arrival.



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