18 July 2018

CS WINdow - July 2018

Dear business partners, dear friends in the industry,

Welcome to the summer issue of CS WINdow! This time, the Contship Italia Group’s newsletter is themed around the topic of international trade. As the world deals with issues such as trade and geopolitical tensions, we have analysed the report "World Economic Situation and Prospects" (WESP) by the United Nations.


The logistics industry is one of the most important factors for countries’ economic growth, and we have looked at the supply chain as a strategic source of value for that reason. You will find there might be a lot of untapped potential in your company!

Our third feature article is about trade in Italy. A report issued by CONFETRA, the Italian confederation of transport and logistics operators, argues the Mediterranean country has some way to go in terms of having a state-of-the art logistics system in place that is able to compete with neighbouring countries and support a sustainable shift from road to rail.




Inside the Industry: International Trade Development



Growth in the world economy continues to exceed expectations and global GDP is now expected to expand by more than 3% this year and in 2019, reflecting strong growth in developed countries and favourable investment conditions.

But rising trade tensions, heightened uncertainty over monetary policy, increasing debt levels and greater geopolitical tensions can potentially limit progress, according to the United Nations World Economic Situation and Prospects (WESP) report issued in June.

According to the report, world economic growth is now forecast to reach 3.2% both in 2018 and 2019, an upward revision by 0.2 and 0.1 percentage points, respectively.

This revised outlook reflects further improvement in the growth forecast for developed economies due to accelerating wage growth, broadly favourable investment conditions, and the short-term impact of a fiscal stimulus package in the United States. 


Read the full article





Inside the Industry: Tap into the strategic value of logistics



The logistics sector is not only an economic bellwether, but has an important impact on countries’ economic growth as well. At the same time, the supply chain can be a strategic source of value for companies and their customers. However, shippers often underestimate this large untapped potential.

It is time to revamp the image of logistics and appreciate the value it can create, both on a macroeconomic and a microeconomic level. As Pinar Hayaloglu has identified in the study “The Impact of Developments in the Logistics Sector on Economic Growth: The Case of OECD Countries” (available here), the logistics industry plays a crucial role for countries’ economic growth and development.






Inside the Industry: On the right track



Cargo transport in and out of Italy is closely linked to the overall economic development. The country’s economic performance in 2017 was positive (GDP +1,5% on 2016) with a slow, but steady recovery to pre-crisis levels of 2007.

However, the 2017 Report from CONFETRA, Italian confederation of transport and logistics operators (more here) illustrates the Mediterranean country has some way to go to develop a state-of-the art logistics system able to compete with neighbouring countries and to support a sustainable shift from road to rail.

Since 2014, Italy's economy has been recording a positive and solid upwards trend, which is in line with the development of most EU member countries [...]


Read the full article





In the Spotlight: Hannibal doubles connections to Switzerland with a new daily rail service from Melzo to Niederglatt



Hannibal, Contship Italia Group's multimodal transport operator, has launched a second rail link to Switzerland on July 2nd, 2018. The new daily connection to Zurich (Niederglatt) complements the existing link to Basel (Frenkendorf), which also has a daily frequency.

With the additional link to Zurich (Niederglatt), Contship Italia doubles its services covering the Swiss market. The new link between Melzo and Niederglatt features a three-day transit time (A-C with arrival in the morning ) from main Italian Gateways and an A-B transit time to/from intermodal hubs in Melzo and Padova. By expanding its service offering dedicated to continental volumes between Italy and Switzerland, Contship continues to transform the Southern Gateway into a competitive and reliable option for cargo owners, freight forwarders and shipping lines. Hannibal's first link to Basel (Frenkendorf) started in 2013 and has recorded growing demand since then.


Read the full article





Latest Updates: BUSINESS NEWS

CS Webinar: European Northen and Southern Gateways


Latest Updates: STORIES

Thirteenth Edition of Contship Homework Diary



Connectivity at La Spezia Container Terminal expands with new service to Canada


Latest Updates: EVENTS

Contship Italia sponsor of the 30th Edition of the “2018 Donne ad Alta Quota” Award



Splash of colour brightens up Contship’s Rail-Hub Milano





Looking Ahead: Contship USA Tour 2018


Contship La Spezia Container Terminal will be off for another road show soon - but with a twist. After three succesfull road shows in Asia, a one-to-one tour closed in July and second Asian tour planned for September, Contship La Spezia is westbound for the USA 2018 road show this September.


Would you like to learn more?

Do not hestitate to get in touch with us!

Get in touch with us for more info.


Looking Ahead: Hannibal and RHM back at Intermodal Europe - 2018 Edition


From Tuesday November 6th to Thursday November 8th, Contship will once again take part in Intermodal Europe 2018. The exhibition will be held in Ahoy, Rotterdam, and it will host companies from the intermodal transport industry - be it transport via road, rail or sea.

Read the news and learn more.




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