28 July 2020

New telemetry system for Rail Hub Milano’s Reach Stackers

Rail Hub Milano recently completed the deployment of a new telemetry system its reach stackers fleet.


The new telemetry system monitors and transmits the operating parameters of each individual reach stacker in real-time, making it possible, among other things, to remotely diagnose and optimize the positioning of vehicles in the operational areas.

Thanks to fuel-consumption data, a live video of operations and sensor detections, all collected in real-time, equipment management is improved, safety is improved, and the environmental impact of yard operations is always kept under control.



Reach Stacker Telemetry system



The data generated and collected already provide valuable information, but could also be used to enable innovative applications, through their integration within the company ERP. Containers handled, handling times, route optimization, typical and recurring alarms are just some of the data and options made available by this update.



Telemetry Reach Stacker



Through a new ecosystem of sensors and connected systems (the so-called "Internet of Things"), using 5G connectivity, it will become easier to collect data, extract their value and share strategic information, inside and outside the company. With this upgrade, RHM takes another step into the future.


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