10 January 2024

A new step forward for the expansion of La Spezia Container Terminal

The agreement signed: work on the new quay at the Ravano terminal will begin in 2024

The deed of submission which will allow the tender to carry out the expansion works of the Ravano terminal was signed on 14 December by Mario Sommariva, President of the Port System Authority of the Eastern Ligurian Sea, and the CEO of the Contship Italia Group, Matthieu Gasselin.

This investment will enter its implementation phase in 2024 and will be completed in 2026. At the end of the works LSCT will have a new 525 meter quay, equipped with 5 latest generation Ship-to-shore machines, a yard managed with semi-automatic electric vehicles and new areas available for the storage of future traffic which could increase up to 2 million TEU.

“The agreement – declared Matthieu Gasselin – is a fundamental step in shaping the future of the Port of La Spezia. Today, we are here to take a crucial step towards creating an increasingly interconnected, integrated and efficient terminal. Our Group's significant investments will also have a considerable impact on the port's development prospects, with economic and social benefits that will extend to the city and the entire territory."

The President Mario Sommariva, in expressing full satisfaction, declared: "This is another essential step in the process of carrying out the works envisaged by the Port Master Plan which, through a substantial amount of public and private investments, which is close to 700 million euros, will make it possible to redesign the productive, urban and tourist development of the city of Spezia. LSCT's investment in the new Ravano terminal is not only a commitment envisaged by the state concession, but represents an extraordinary innovation in the infrastructural heritage at the service of the country's economy. Thanks to this investment we are consolidating the future of the port of La Spezia, one of the main ports on the Ligurian-Tyrrhenian side for container traffic, a leader in railway intermodality and the digitalisation processes of goods flows. We can truly say that the future is now."

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