31 March 2022

Fast rail corridor of RHM between La Spezia Container Terminal and Terminal Italia Marzaglia

Morelli (RHM): “This is the third fast corridor for Contship Italia. In this way we increase the competitiveness of our ports ".

Newly established rail fast corridor running between La Spezia Container Terminal and Terminal Italia in Marzaglia in the Modena province. The service will be managed by RHM (Contship Italia’s Rail Hub Milano), marking a further step forward within the context of the so-called logistics 4.0 era – both in terms of digitalization and connections between IT systems present at the port and inland terminal. The La Spezia Marzaglia fast corridor follows on from previously established corridors, first of which in 2015 with the La Spezia Container Terminal – Melzo corridor. Year 2020 saw the introduction of the corridor linking PSA Genoa Prà and Melzo, all of which run under the Contship Group insignia. With the establishment of this latest product, Contship group confirms yet again its flexibility and responsiveness towards the industry, as operations in Marzaglia started end of February and a fast corridor is already in place, available to market, less than a month later.

Nowadays, digital infrastructure allows for the creation of more efficient and controlled customs corridors. Services such as cargo track & trace are available, with further value added stemming from information being shared amongst stakeholders within the same supply chain. Simplification of import processes and decongestion of terminal yards in turn increase the competitiveness of our ports, as well as placing the attention on environmental issues with the significant reduction of the carbon footprint when switching from road to rail".

"To attract new traffic it is necessary to increase the productivity of the domestic" quays ", in the unloading cycle and forwarding of containers to their final destinations - continues Morelli - To overcome the criticality, a vast program of investments is also needed, oriented towards the logistical and industrial development of the ports. , of the retroportal areas and of the railway infrastructures ".

"We are pleased to have contributed to this digitization and optimization project, in line with our goal of creating an increasingly smart, sustainable, federative, integrated logistics capable of making the most of intermodal components to reduce costs, pollution and consumption of energy ”added Luca Abatello, CEO & President of CIRCLE Group.


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