5 November 2018

Contship on the spotlight at 2018 SOS LOGistica Conference

It will take place today in Turin, at the Energy Center (Politecnico di Torino) the 2018 edition of SOS LOG (Association for Sustainable Logistics) conference. Contship is one of the partenr of SOS LOG since 2005, date of its launch.

Sustainble Client, Sustainable Logistics: A new paradigm between Cost and Value. This is the title of the conference and Contship will be one of the key note speaker with its project Porto Lab.


Contship, with its project Porto Lab, will be one of the key player at 2018 edition of this important event.

Emanuele Breveglieri, Scientist Consultant for the Group, will adrees his key note speech: How to storytelling the Sustainable Logistics to a 6 years old child. Furthermore, in ethe second part of the event Emanuele will manage one of the laboratory coordinating a session of SMONTING.

More info are available at the following link: https://mailchi.mp/ae626686294d/conclusioni-sos-logistica-convegno-33499...

Follow the facebook real time video streaming through the official page of the association: https://www.facebook.com/SOSLOGistica/


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