14 June 2019

Contship Ravenna: the Adriatic gateway for Egyptian grapes

Fresh goods are starting to flow into Europe; TCR confirms reliable operations offering an efficient platform for distribution of refrigerated products in the continent


Markets demand fresh products 365 days/year, and the logistics chain has to fulfill that need. Terminal Container Ravenna, strategic gateway on the Adriatic, is playing a fundamental role in the cold-chain logistic process, delivering a series of value added services that streamline the entire distribution chain up to until the end customer.

Advanced facilities within the terminal and the adjacent areas, efficient product inspections, quality control and sound unloading operations allow the first trucks to leave TCR heading to final destination even before the entire ship is unloaded.

TCR also benefits from a 3 day transit time from Alexandria to Ravenna, positioning the terminal as one of the fastest links to reach European markets, guaranteeing a service that meets the needs of the increasingly demanding industry of fresh products.

Rapid delivery times combined with logistics chain flexibility once again confirm Contship TCR’s ability in being a strategic platform capable of meeting the requirements of today’s demanding markets.

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