18 October 2019

Contship prepares to promote benefits of connectivity through La Spezia Container Terminal in Asia

Contship is ready to embark on the 2019 Asia Roadshow, visiting Seoul, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Taipei and Singapore.


Peter Hill, Sales and Business Development Director, Daniele Testi (Marketing and Communications Director) and Peter Robino (Sales Specialist) will showcase the benefits of La Spezia Container Terminal and the Southern Gateway for commercial trade between Europe and Asia, to shipping lines, freight forwarders and 3PL logistics operators.

The aim of the commercial tour is to raise awareness on the Italian logistics system, that can offer operators an efficient intermodal network to reach Switzerland and Germany through gateway ports in the Adriatic and the Thyrrenian sea, rapidly connected to markets over the Alps. There is a double advantage in using the Southern Gateway; it decreases end-to-end transit times by reducing distance between port of loading and port of landing, and it allows operators to manage risks tied to interruptions, congestion service interruptions of unforeseen circumstances that can slow down cargo transit.

“We have been working hard to positions our service offering as something more than a simple alternative to Northern European ports. We offer an option which is tailored for advanced and risk-conscious logistics operators, that want to avoid transit disruptions due to unexpected problems or adverse climatic conditions to build a resilient supply chain system” Mr. Testi explains. “After a proven track record of the Southern Gateway efficiency, through collaboration with shipping lines, forwarders and European distributors, we have decided to push ourselves to the Far East to bring manufacturers and logistics operators onboard”.

“Even though physically far from Europe, operators and supply chain professionals in Asia are directly involved in the dynamics of the European continental logistics, as Europe annually handles billions of Euros’ worth from the Far East. Unforeseen events, such as the Rastatt Tunnel collapse of 2017 or adverse climatic patterns such as the lowering of the Rhine’s water levels, prove the need  to have a resilient and diversified supply chain for Europe – as a safeguard from the future climatic changes, too.

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