1 March 2021

A new General Manager for LSCT

On Monday, March 1st, 2021 Walter Cardaci has been appointed new General Manager of LSCT - La Spezia Container Terminal. Mr. Cardaci will join the team led by LSCT CEO Alfredo Scalisi, completing the renewal process of the top management.



Walter Cardaci, 50, is an Electrical Engineer, he worked in Ansaldo as an automation specialist and subsequently gained a great deal of experience in ERG, where he led several teams, successfully managing growing responsibilities and projects of considerable complexity.

Adopting a managerial method based on the enhancement of human capital, on innovation, and on a long-term vision, oriented towards sustainable growth, Walter has achieved remarkable results in his carreer, and is now ready to make a decisive contribution to the development and growth of LSCT terminal.


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