TCR obtains UNI EN ISO 45001 certification
TCR obtains UNI EN ISO 45001 certification
On November 11th, world-leading certification company SGS qualified the TCR Integrated Management System as compliant with requirements set by new legislation.
Having achieved Environmental (ISO 14001) and Quality (ISO 9001) accreditations, throughout 2020 Terminal Container Ravenna also advanced its Health and Safety certification, changing from OHSAS 18001 to UNI EN ISO 45001.
On November 11th, via an audit executed in part remotely amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the SGS Certification Body deemed the TCR Integrated Management System compliant with the requirements set by new legislation.
TCR also adjusted its integration policy, stressing how safety and protection of workers’ health are primary objectives, a duty with ethical implications even before legal ones.
To achieve the objective, since the beginning of 2020 the TCR QHSE team committed to assess, re-draft, integrate, and implement all existing systems documentation (procedures, instructions, forms, etc.) to comply with the requirements set by the new ISO standards.
Beyond the legal and procedural aspects, developing a policy not only to ensure compliance with current legislation but also to guarantee the continuous improvement of environmental performance is equally important. This is essential for adhering to an eco-sustainable development project.
For TCR, environmental sustainability is a fundamental objective that must be pursued through a lasting and consistent process aimed at building a healthy and long-term business, managing risks better, seeking new opportunities, developing a more efficient working environment, and consolidating the company’s image as solid and credible.
Another crucial aspect for the company is to create, maintain, and improve a strong relationship with customers, suppliers, and all stakeholders in its ecosystem by listening to their needs and expectations to enhance the necessary information to provide a high-quality service.
Michele Pagano, QHSE Manager of TCR, declared: “The new certification was achieved thanks to the efforts made by all of us, from top management to all workers. This shared commitment testifies to the importance and attention the company has put in place over the years, focusing on health and safety conditions in the workplace, necessary for the pursuit of continuous improvement.“