TCR dredging operations now completed
TCR dredging operations now completed Additional quay length now available for improved berthing operations and safer navigation along the port channel Terminal Container Ravenna (TCR) continues improving its facilities, this time it is the quay length, allowing enhanced efficiency and less time for berthing operations for its customers. Dredging works next to the area formerly occupied by the recently demolished RO-RO pier have now been completed. The longstanding structure dedicated to RO-RO operations, was removed last year following the advent of newer RO-RO vessels operating with side or quarter stern ramps, allowing them to operate alongside traditional linear quays. The civil-works undertaken, involved the installation of underwater horizontal tie-rods and the placement of two new bollards, without affecting terminal operations and berthing/unberthing activities. This was achieved thanks to the close cooperation between TCR personnel and the public authorities involved. TCR can now provide customers with a continuous 670 meters linear quay, equipped with 4 high-performance ship-to-shore cranes that can operate up to three ships simultaneously. With this upgrade, TCR can provide quicker berthing operations, meaning reduced ship waiting times and lower costs for its customers. Removing the old RO-RO pier has also improved the safety of navigation along the port channel, widening the space available for ship maneuvering. Discover more about maritime services available at Terminal Container Ravenna browsing Contship Connectivity Tool: